Skin Needling with SkinPen

What is the SkinPen?

SkinPen is a medical grade, micro-needling device that works by safely penetrating deep into the underlying layers of the skin. 

SkinPen improves overall skin cell health by creating controlled micro-injuries to the skin, which in turn causes the body to start the wound healing process by encouraging new collagen and elastin production. The effect is rejuvenation of your skin from inside out. It is also known to improve skin texture, smoothe wrinkles, and soften or even completely remove scars.

Other benefits:

  • Overall rejuvenation of the skin

  • Reducing pigmentation or Melasma

  • Improve pigmentation and general discolouration of the skin.

  • Reduced line fines through stimulating collagen and elastin production in the skin

  • Minimise enlarged pores through increased collagen/skin cell support

  • Clear congestion

  • Improve overall texture

  • Reduce scarring

  • Creates new blood supply

  • Strengthen the skin

Treatment & Pricing

Skin Pen - Micro Needling (existing clients only) | $320

Medical grade, micro-needling to improve overall skin cell health.

2 x Skinfuse products to take home that will reduce your downtime. Must be at least 2 weeks after any cosmetic injectables.

Recommended for:

- improving skin tone & texture

- acne scarring

- pigmentation

- fine lines and wrinkles

3 treatments | $960

Including FREE take-home Dermaviduals serum, tailored to your individual skin type to enhance your results.

(plus your usual Skinfuse products with each treatment)

6 treatments | $1920

Including FREE take-home Dermaviduals serum PLUS Dermaviduals Oleogel

(plus your usual Skinfuse products with each treatment)

Frequently Asked Questions?

  • Generally, 3 - 6 treatments are recommended, depending on your skin concern.

  • The ideal time between treatments is 4 - 6 weeks.

  • At VERSA we suggest waiting at least 2 weeks after having any cosmetic injectables before having a SkinPen treatment, and no sooner than 1 week before any cosmetic injectables.

  • The treatment itself typically takes 30 minutes plus your initial assessment, consultation, and consent.

  • A few things that need to be considered pre-treatment are:

    ~avoid sun exposure/burns 24 hours prior to treatment.

    ~avoid the use of vitamin A 24 hours prior to treatment.

    ~not suitable for clients who have been on Roaccutane within half the amount of time they were on the medication.

    ~avoid fish oil a few days prior and post treatment

  • ~ Downtime is minimal, ranging from 24 - 72 hours depending on the individual

    ~ Post-treatment, your skin will be a little red - this is the desired skin response. How long the redness will last depends on the individual, but is usually 12-36 hours.

    ~ It is also normal for the skin to feel dry a few days post-treatment, then refreshed and smooth.

    ~ Avoid strenuous exercise 48hrs post-treatment and sun exposure 72 hours post-treatment.

  • ~ The treatment will start with a double cleanse to remove any dirt and oil.

    ~ Then an antiseptic wash will be used to ensure full cleanliness.

    ~ Skinfuse Lift HG is applied to protect the skin during treatment.

    ~ SkinPen is then slowly moved over the skin one area at a time. Some areas may be more uncomfortable than others but tolerable. The SkinPen needle depths are adjusted to tailor each treatment to the client’s needs and response.

    ~ You will be given the remaining tube of Skinfuse LIFT HG to take home and apply as needed until the tube is finished. This will help hydrate and cool the treated areas.

    ~ You will also be given a tube of Skinfuse RESCUE to apply the days following treatment to help with normal skin tightness and dryness. Both these products are included in the cost of your treatment.

  • VERSA prides itself on using the best and most reputable products and devices, and SkinPen is one of them, being the only TGA approved micro needling device available in Australia. 

    What does TGA approved mean? 

    The Therapeutic Goods Administration - TGA is a Commonwealth Government agency that thoroughly evaluates and regulates the quality, supply, and advertising of medical devices and drugs. At home devices or new devices on the market are most likely not rigorously tested.